Saturday, March 16, 2013

Week 2 CEASE Therapy

Noah just finished his 2nd week of CEASE therapy, clearing Hep B. He stayed at the 30x dose and we only saw minimal reactions this week. He had a few toxic smelling diapers and a little swelling on his upper lip. He was also more irritable than usual. He threw tantrums regularly which is not normal for Noah. He also had a few nights of insomnia (no fun!). I am not sure if this is related to the clearing or not.

We are excited to go to the next dose 12c and see the reactions and positive results.

Things we are noticing with Noah this last few weeks:

1) More alert/present with us and aware of his surroundings

2) He has been trying to make more noises/sounds/verbalizations than usual

3) He did great at his Gymboree Music class--- on the first try!!!! This is HUGE. It was a new room, new people, new teacher, new activities and he handled it beautifully. He even engaged some of the children and parents.

4) On our shopping trip to BJs recently he was looking at all of the displays and at our faces. Normally Noah fixates on the lighting in the store and appears to be in a fog, overwhelmed by everything in the store. This was pretty huge as well.

5) I have noticed also that he seems to understand more of what we are saying to him. This is also a big deal as he was recently evaluated to have a 6 month level of receptive language. I think that is changing now!

I will continue to post updates each week as we do CEASE therapy with Noah.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Noah is responding to the CEASE remedies. Though it is difficult, I am so grateful that our Lizzy is using CEASE it has helped her tremendously. Keep going Noah's mom in is just a matter of time, love and commitment and our children will be healed. Blessings to you and your precious Noah.
